Kate Linder, who is best known for her role as Esther in "The Young and the Restless," celebrated her 40th anniversary on the show in May 2022. As she told Soap Central, Linder was a bit in disbelief at the achievement, but proud of one thing in particular: her iconic maid outfit still fits.

"There's an exhibit on right now at the Hollywood Museum that includes my original duster and my uniform and my first two scripts. It's amazing, and I'm thrilled that I could wear it again. Not that I want Esther to wear it again, although it would be interesting!"

Though Linder has spent some time looking into the past thanks to her role, she is focused on the future, too, and has ideas for ways "The Young and the Restless" can be of service to its audience, particularly by featuring an episode cautioning the dangers of falling. "I've dealt with it myself, and falling is really dangerous. People need to be more careful about where they're walking and to remember to look where they're walking."
